Aida Mitsuo : designed the site and DECO mail©

what is DECO mail ?

Do you know html mail? Deco mail is very similar to html mail.

When you send your message to your friends, you are able to attach some pictures and to change the back ground color. This is html mail.

Mitsuo Aida cell phone contents has some pictures for DECO mail parts, you might find cute and good gagets on this contents.

I made the deco mail parts.

I designed the small pictures useing Mitsuo Aida's calligraphy.

If you are in Japan, moreover you join the Mitsuo Aida cell phone contents, you are able to get pictures whatever you want.

If you want to get more information about these DECO mail, click under the sentence.

-Mitsuo Aida cellphone contents information *only Japanese. sorry.

-what is Mitsuo Aida...

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